No time to blog… Gre

Wahhh… Wish i could blog more!!

So far this week its been so buy. Finished my last pre marriage seminar. That was so helpful for mine and my fiances relationship. We had a meeting with the guy playing our wedding music On friday is our wedding shower. Cant wait for all that yummy food.
Is it bad that i never see one of my bridesmaids? Its actually annoying and i regret asking her to be one. I seriously rarely see her. The last time i saw her was last month. I saw her when i had strep. My maid of honor i see once a week cause we jog/walk together. Ive know her since kindergarten. Went to the same elementary school then i moved and we didn’t go to the sane school for 2 years but in high-school we hung out & reconnected. We never lost touch and im hoping we never do 🙂

Couple more weeks til i move. Guess i should packing. Eeek. The new condo is amazing. I plan on posting pictures june 1 & 2. Cant wait to decorate my own place. Super tempted to buy zebra bedding. I love pink and animal print. Merp!

B has started rolling over but gets stuck on her tummy, than she gets all upset. Can’t wait til she rolls all over the place. The whole 4-6 month age brooklyn has changed alot. Its crazy.

Anywho. Its 11 pm. Im tired. Night blogworld

Busy Busy

Hello diary. Been uber busy. Got my taxes back. The money is almost gone. Paid off my car and helped the fiance pay some bills & got him his wedding band. There goes over half of it. 2/3 ‘s of it anyway. The rest went to me shopping, groceries and buying an iPhone and gas. I hate the gas prices. Since may 1st I’ve spent 100$ on gas. Im soon going to be flinstoning my ass everywhere.
Could my life be any busier?! Its legit in fast forward. Another month til im married. Yikes!! Cant wait! Hehe
I got a comment the ither day that i look thinner. That made me feelgood. I have gone to the gym only a few times but i have been doing little workouts at home and long walks. It feels good to be getting in shape.
Everyone in my family is sick! It sucks. Im the only one who isn’t sick. B had her first cold and thats been hell lol shes rolling over all the time. I love watching her grow. I couldn’t ask for a more beautiful family

. . . hmm

Ohhhh my goodness! So pretty much I haven’t blogged in a week. How sad! So I received some really good news, I am getting just over 3000$ back from my taxes!!!! Its crazy! I’m sooo excited. I also have a grand left to pay off on my car! Than I’m pretty much debt free. I think its kind of sad that I’m 21 & I don’t have a credit card! Pretty much all my friends have credit cards. I feel very left out! I’m not looking forward to my next paycheque going all to my car! 425$ towards my car. Gahhhhh! The things I could buy with 425$ hehe.

Rant of the day! I got a gym membership. Almost 2 weeks ago. & I’ve only gone 3 times. It drives me F’ing crazy. My fiance isn’t supporting me at all. & the whole reason why we got the gym membership is to get in shape & go together! I’ve gone 3x & he’s gone like every day of the week except weekends! Well his problem, hope he’s happy having a obese wife.
Ill really thinking of using the 3 grand for lipo. Maybe do a cocaine diet. Jus kidding. I’m not that desperate. I jus wish I had a better support system 😦 & none of my friends go to the gym. So yeah, andddd my parents wouldn’t go with me either lol.

On a different note. My babygirl is still teething like crazy. NO teeth yet! 😦
My cousins son. He didn’t get teeth til he was a year and a half! Which is ridiculous! Haha

Has anyone ever realized how annoying the radio is? They overkill songs like major! I practically know all the words to the hottest songs cause they play them so much! I switch stations then that station is playing the same damn song! Tsk tsk. The radio stations need to step it up!

I need to get good topics to talk about! Running out of rants to rant about. Anyways. Bye diary xoxo

Stuck with Strep

So today i went to the clinic, found out I have strep! 😦 it started with my neck hurting and it just got worse! I felt like SHIT this morning. I honestly can’t remember the last time I have gotten this bad of a sore throat. I haven’t had the flu (puking) since i was 12 when I got my tonsils out! Haven’t felt this shitty in a long time! But my mommy brought me chicken noodle soup and cough drops that taste legit like candy! hope this clears up soon & Im really praying i dont give it to my daughter!

Anywho, Last night me and the fiance went to go hand out the rest of his invitations! He only got like half of his out! Time is going by too fast & i’m getting really nervous! On thursday we went to go look at our beautiful brand new condo we got! i seriously can’t wait to move in there and decorate it! Wish i could make our room pink and super girly, but I don’t think that my fiance would like that too much. he’s not really a fan of pink! oh well! Im addicted to Pinterest! It gives me sooo many great ideas!

*sigh* Right now my fiance and his bestfriend are watching the hockey game & drinking beer. We had a bbq with his friends! He made all the food, i cleaned up his mess! what a good wifey i am 😉
Now that leaves me.. Super bored, sitting on facebook & tweeting & blogging! Could i be anymore of a social network whore? haha Our bebe is having her evening nap, I can’t even play with her much cause i dont want her getting strep? can 5 month old babies even get strep? lol She’s should’ve had this nap 2 hours ago! She was awake for 6 hours straight! This just means she’s going to have a longer nap, be awake later. That’s okay though, shes my fiance’s problem tonight! i need my beauty rest so i can get rid of this strep!

Yesterday i went for my wedding hair trial, im thinking of just having my hair curly! When i went to the salon i showed her a pic of what i wanted (ill post a photo of the example), it didn’t really turn out how i thought it would, it looked bad on me actually, it was half up half down. it looks better when its just down and curly!
i would love to dye my hair but i have no idea what color to dye it, HELP!!!!

Im running out of stuff to blog about, my brain isn’t functioning! need to take my meds now, than i have to wait another hour to eat! cause your suppose to take penicillin on a empty stomach! LAME! Bye Blog


Day 2 of My Lovely Blog

*sigh* I am tired. My daughter decided to wake up at 130, 4:15 745 AM!! 3x in one night, she usually never does that. I usually have to wake up once or not at all, but shes like 5 months so shes teething bad. She officially became a huge mommy’s girl.
Funny thing happened this evening, she fell out of her bouncy chair. I don’t usually strap her in, because i’ll either be on the ground right beside her or a few feet away. But this time my back was turned and I know she was sitting up in it but she hadn’t fell out yet! ha ha I’m sad that I didn’t see the incident occur, but I did have a crying baby on the floor. One luck i had pillows there to break her fall. I sure had a good laugh

Well the decision is made, me and the fiance got a gym membership! I’m excited but I’m not excited. My arms are going to so sore once I start doing my arm workouts! Wahhhh 😦  My mom was glad that I’m making an effort to tone up my arms & get back into shape. I can’t wait for summer than I can live at the cabin & swim. Last year I didn’t swim much cause i was super pregnant, but I know at the end of all this i’ll be happy that I’m back in shape 🙂

I desperately need to convince my fiance that i deserve a credit card and hair extensions. I want to shop online bad! & I’d love to chop my hair short and have the option of having long hair or short hair. Everyone thinks that’s a stupid idea. I think it’s a grand idea!

I still don’t understand this whole blog thing, what to write, how to design my blog, how to make it look not so boring & what to write!! My blog is probably going to equal me bitching about life issues, bragging about how amazing my daughter is and how crazy excited & nervous I am to get married!

Countdown to the married life….Sixty-One Days til I’m a Mrs!!!
I’m slowlyyy getting nervous. Its going to be different to make my condo my new home. I lived in the same house with my parents for 5 years. I’ve never moved out before! This is my “home”. I have a good strong relationship with my parents, going to be weird not living under the same roof as them. I probably should of moved out a couple years ago when I had the chance. Me & my ex best friend bought a house 40 Min’s away, but the deal fell through, so it never worked out! Which is a good thing cause I’m pretty sure I would of never met my fiance or got blessed with a beautiful daughter. Can’t imagine my life without them!
Having a daughter has been such a blessing. I’ve learnt that a human’s ability to love is more infinite than words can ever express! Her smiles are contagious! Everyday is a new adventure & I love every minute of it!
I’m so lucky to be able to spend my days with her. I love being a Stay at home mom! I’m going to be sad when October comes, cause than I’ll be back at work! 😦



Hello world!

This is my first blog post and i have nooo idea what to write or how to use this!

 The Chaos of My Life….
I pretty much have 2 months to get skinny for my wedding, I was on the right track before (lost 10 pounds) but lately ive been soooo busy with B (NOT excersising) and being unhealthy! I legit have no time to workout! 😦 PLUS B is teething so she’s clingy during the day while im home alone, so i can’t workout during the day (not unless i want a screaming baby) & when the fiance comes home, than all I want to do is RELAX and CUDDLE (myfave)!! Im scared once we do get married were just gunna let it go, cause usually when people get married they are like “Woohoo im married lets get fat! who cares about body image” I DONT want to be that couple!  
So pretty much what it comes down to is… get gym membership & workout without Fiance or workout late at night with him….hmmmm decisions decisions!!! I do have a bowflex at home and a treadmill but its so sad that im too lazy to learn how to attach and change the bowflex crap! haha but at the gym all the thingys are right there, I wouldn’t have to switch anything! Yep im that lazy to learn how to use the bowflex!

*sigh* my fiance wants to read my blog, how embarrassing, hes gunna think im a total loser lol

I feel like my life in fast forward, the days are going by WAY to damn fast! I hope I have time to blog everyday!

Anyways my  baby is crying for me! bye bye for now!